
The University is a religiously diverse community and our policies and procedures at the Interfaith Chapel honor the spirit of that diversity. 我们努力做到“多信仰”和“跨信仰”,” meaning that we honor each tradition in its uniqueness and particularity while also celebrating the diversity and the challenges and opportunities that diversity brings by forming an intentional, 教堂和校园里的跨信仰社区.


  1. The 网赌论坛有哪些’s Interfaith Chapel is home to the religions of the world. 它是“万民祷告的殿”.” It is both a place for the practice of all faith traditions and a religious and spiritual center that supports interreligious learning, 对话与行动. 跨宗教教堂 provides resources and opportunities for religious and spiritual life to flourish on campus serving students, 教师, 员工和更大的社区. 跨宗教教堂 contributes through its programs and activities to the mission of the University to educate students and prepare them for life in a pluralistic and diverse world.
  2. 欢迎所有宗教和/或精神团体参加. Each group is expected to have a chaplain or other religious or group leader (appointed by the religious or spiritual group or by the University) and a student leader, both of whom are asked to agree in writing to comply with the chapel’s statement of policies of affiliation and the Communal Expectations for Religious Life (see below) to ensure a clear understanding of the University’s expectations for its religious and spiritual groups. All recognized groups and their recognized leaders are expected to abide by these policies and communal expectations for life in a multi-faith community.


跨宗教教堂的使命, 与教堂有关的所有宗教和精神团体都支持什么, 如下:

  • To enhance religious and spiritual life at the University through supporting the affiliated religious communities in their mission to serve members of their particular faith tradition
  • To provide a place of worship, hospitality, and welcome for all members of the University community
  • 在大学社区内提出当今的伦理和道德问题
  • 作为大学社区内的调解机构
  • To serve as an advocate and support for individuals within the University community
  • 为促进交流和理解提供一个结构
    • Between the various University offices and departments and the many religious and/or spiritual groups represented on campus
    • 在大学的宗教和/或精神团体中
  • 促进宗教间对话、教育和行动
  • 去接触和服务更大的,一般的社区


Students who wish to form a religious or spiritual group must abide by the policies and procedures for student groups as prescribed by the Student Activities Office. The 宗教和精神生活主任 often serves as initial advisor to newly forming religious and spiritual groups. 在可用空间的基础上, religious and spiritual groups hold their regular meetings in the Interfaith Chapel. 如果教堂不适合学生宗教或精神团体使用, 然后,该组织可能会要求在校园的其他场所举行会议.

The religious and spiritual communities currently affiliated with the Interfaith Chapel are as follows:

  • 佛教学生协会
  • 天主教纽曼社区
  • 恰巴
  • CRU
  • 希勒尔
  • 印度学生协会
  • 穆斯林学生协会(本科生及网赌论坛有哪些生msa)
  • 异教学生协会
  • 新教教堂社区(PCC)
  • 跨宗教合作学生协会
  • 网赌论坛有哪些基督教团契
  • 禅修小组

The Newman Community, PCC, 希勒尔, 恰巴 and CRU communities are served by full-time chaplains. URCF, 印度社区, 穆斯林社区, 禅修团, and the 异教学生协会 are all served by part-time chaplains or religious leaders. The 佛教学生协会 and the Students’ Association for Interfaith cooperation are primarily student groups under the advisement of the director and chapel administrator.


The 艺术学院 and 科学 and the 哈吉姆工程学院 and 应用科学 policy and practice is that classes will not be cancelled on religious holidays. 这是预料之中的, 然而, that students will not be penalized in any way for observing religious holidays. Instructors are asked not to schedule examinations in conflict with such holidays. 看到 不同信仰的宗教节日列表 欲知更多资料.

New York State Education Law provides that students who choose not to attend classes or take exams on certain days because of their religious beliefs will be given an equivalent opportunity to make up the work requirements or exams they miss without penalties.



While you are a student on this campus many organizations may ask you to join them. 这些小组中的绝大多数都是善意和建设性的, 他们是否有宗教信仰, 自我完善, 服务, 社会的或政治的. 除了, there are many individuals and groups on campus who would like to share their “ideas” with you. Often these ideas include values and beliefs they hold about the world around them. They may approach you after class, in your residence hall, in front of Wilson Commons, or elsewhere. 除了 to sharing with you the answers they have found to life’s questions, 他们可能会占用你的时间, 在他们认为值得的努力中投入精力和资源. 简而言之, they may ask you to join their groups and make substantial contributions of time and money to their causes.

Although it is healthy for groups to further their causes and recruit new members, 一些组织使用欺骗性的招募策略, 操纵和强制. The following questions are designed to help you assess a group that seeks your commitment. 这些问题不仅适用于你被招聘的时候, 但也要在你参与其中一段时间之后.


  • 他们会期望我付出多少时间、金钱和其他资源呢?
  • 我是否会被分配招聘或财务配额?
  • 他们会阻止我与家人和朋友交往吗?
  • 作为这个小组的一员,我能得到什么? 这是否符合我的目标和想法?


  • 鼓励你继续学习, 在学业上取得成功并顺利毕业, 还是该组织说它的活动比学校更重要?
  • Answer the questions that you ask, or are you told repeatedly that the answers will come later?
  • Discourage discussion of its beliefs, either with other members or with your family or friends?
  • 希望其成员放弃传统和信仰?
  • 要求对领导者绝对服从和忠诚?
  • Allow members to have quiet times alone or time with other friends outside the group?
  • 预测任何离开小组的人都会遭遇悲剧?

如果你对以上任何一个问题的回答是肯定的, 您可能需要与下面列出的资源个人讨论这个问题:

宗教和精神生活主任: (585) 275-8422
国际事务办公室: (585) 275-2866
大学心理咨询中心: (585) 275-3113