
有许多专门为出国留学设立的奖学金. We strongly encourage you to consider applying as Rochester students have won these scholarships in the past. 奖学金分为优异奖学金和按需奖学金两种, 所以即使你可以轻松地支付你在国外的费用, 你还是应该考虑申请. 出国留学有一些你必须准备(并节省)的自付费用!),即使你获得了奖学金.

国际学生特别注意—Many national or federally sponsored scholarships (such as the Gilman and Boren awards) require U.S. 公民身份或永久居民身份.  一定要仔细阅读资格要求.

许多海外教育项目还为参与者提供奖学金, 无论国籍(CIEE和IES Abroad), for example). Engineering majors may apply for a Hajim International Experience scholarship for summer, 学期或学年网赌论坛有哪些, study, or internships.


Application Requirements

Scholarship application and eligibility requirements vary and researching and applying for scholarships will require time and effort on your part. Some applications require no more than a simple application form and a copy of your financial aid paperwork, 而其他人可能需要这些, a transcript, essays, and letters of recommendation. Scholarships represent an honor that will enhance your résumé and can be well worth the effort.

Recipient Requirements以促进出国教育的机会, some University of Rochester and external scholarships require follow-up projects or other ‘give back’ by recipients. Students who do not complete the requirement by the stated deadline will have their scholarship rescinded.

有关其他信息,请查看 罗彻斯特学生奖学金信息发布会.

General Scholarships

Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金

gilman greatest growth badge

Description: Enables students who have limited financial means to participate in study abroad opportunities worldwide.

Eligibility: Students must be US Citizens receiving a Federal Pell Grant at the time of application and cannot be studying abroad in a country currently under a US Department of State Travel advisory of Level 3 or 4, or in Cuba. 暑期课程必须至少持续三周.


  • Summer: early October
  • 秋季和全年:三月初
  • Spring: early October

For tips on applying see the Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金网站.

Boren Scholarship

Description: 这个项目是美国政府的一个促进学习的项目, 以及对批判性语言的网赌论坛有哪些, 在某些非西方国家. Boren Scholarship recipients commit to working for at least one year in the federal government.

Eligibility: Must be a US citizen applying to a study abroad program in a country outside of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. 暑期奖学金只提供给STEM学生.

Deadline: 2月初为夏季,秋季,春季和全年课程

For more information see the Boren Scholarship website.

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Region Specific Scholarships

Critical Language Scholarships

Description: This is a fully funded summer abroad program to help students gain mastery over one of the following critical languages:

  • Azerbaijani
  • Bangla
  • Hindi
  • Indonesian
  • Korean
  • Punjabi
  • Swahili
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Arabic
  • Persian
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Russian

Eligibility: 必须是美国公民,学生只能申请一种语言. Students must have at least one or two years of academic experience in these languages to be eligible.

Deadline: mid-November

See the 重要语言奖学金网站 for more information.

Drucker Scholarship

Description: 5000美元的日本留学奖学金. 每学年有两个奖学金名额.

Eligibility: University of Rochester undergraduates participating in University of Rochester semester programs in Japan. Preference will be given to students participating in a program at Waseda University or Meiji Gakuin University.

Application: 不需要单独应用程序. Applicants to University of Rochester programs in Japan will be notified of a decision, 通过海外教育门户网站, 10月15日(春季课程)和3月15日(秋季课程).

Service Requirement: Recipients are required to write a letter to the donor after the study abroad semester. 信件必须附有学生在国外的照片.

Freeman-Asia Scholarship

Description: 由国际教育协会主办, 该奖学金适用于在以下地点学习:

  • Cambodia
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Laos
  • Macao
  • Malaysia
  • Mongolia
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam

Eligibility: 美国公民或永久居民, currently receiving need-based financial aid or can demonstrate a verifiable need for financial assistance.

Deadline: 2024年4月2日为夏季、秋季、全年和春季

See the 自由亚洲奖学金网站 for more information.


Description: 这是一项择优奖学金,用于资助学习, senior thesis research, and/or internships in Germany.

Eligibility: Sophomores and juniors looking to go abroad in Germany next year who demonstrate an interest in contemporary German and European affairs.

Deadline: end of January

See the 德国学术网赌论坛有哪些(DAAD)网站 for more information.

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Program Specific Scholarships


Description:CIEE offers both merit-based and need-based scholarships for students who are applying to participate in a study abroad program sponsored by CIEE.

Eligibility: varies by scholarship

Deadline: varies by scholarship

See the 国际教育交流委员会(CIEE)网站 for more information.


Description: The institute offers four different scholarships for students to study with DIS in Denmark:

  • Need-Based Scholarship:根据证明的经济需要颁发.
  • Diversity Scholarship: Awarded to support students from populations that are underrepresented in study abroad such as those from diverse ethnic, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, and educational backgrounds, 包括第一代大学生.
  • 安德斯·乌尔斯科夫领导奖学金: This merit-based award is for students who have demonstrated leadership on their college campuses at home and who are dedicated to enhancing and building upon their global leadership by studying with DIS. (最高10,000美元)(2016年颁发给网赌论坛有哪些的一名学生!)
  • 雅各布·布克斯蒂纪念奖学金这个基于成绩的奖项是颁给政治学的, international relations, economics, 或者是相关专业的学生,希望从事政治事业. ($10,000)

Eligibility: Varies by scholarship


  • 秋季/全学年:5月初
  • Spring: mid-October
  • Summer: early April

See the 丹麦留学学院(DIS)网站 for more information.


Description: 16名有色人种学生(全国)将获得a fully-funded, four-week fellowship in Ireland to follow in the footsteps of famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Each student’s program fee and travel costs will be covered for this four-week summer study abroad program.

Eligibility: Applicants must be current undergraduate freshman, sophomore, or junior and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. 选拔是基于学业成绩, leadership potential, communication skills, and history of service. 

Deadline: Applications are due in February (exact date varies, check application details for current deadline).

了解更多关于这个享有盛誉的机会 here. 

Hajim International Experience

Description: The Hajim International Experience Scholarship funded by The Hajim Dean’s Office offers grants for undergraduate students to pursue academic studies or credit-bearing, 以就业为导向,在国外进行网赌论坛有哪些实习. Such international exchange is intended to better prepare Hajim students to assume significant roles in an increasingly global economy and interdependent world.

Eligibility: 你必须就读于哈吉姆工程与应用科学学院的专业, in good academic standing, 已申请或打算申请下列其中一项符合资格的经历, 并完成一份申请和目的陈述.

Deadline: 所有申请截止日期为2024年4月26日星期五下午5点. Turn in your applications to 或到杜威大厅2-131号海外教育中心办公室. 

Access the application here. 

Hebrew University

Description: Hebrew University offers a variety of need-based and merit-based scholarships for students who plan to study abroad at its Rothberg International School.

  • Merit Scholarships: 这项奖学金的金额为6美元,000 for one year of study, and $3,000 for one semester of study.
  • 耶路撒冷之春荣誉项目奖学金: 数量有限的优异奖提供给高素质的人, motivated candidates participating in the Spring in Jerusalem Honors Program from universities throughout the United States.
  • Art Merit Scholarship: 这项奖学金的金额为6美元,000 for one year of study, and $3,000 for one semester of study.
  • Louis Levine Scholarship: The Louis Levine Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student with a keen desire to further scientific knowledge in our ever-changing world.

Eligibility: varies by scholarship

Deadline: varies by scholarship

See the Hebrew University website for more information.

IES Abroad Scholarships & Financial Aid

Description: IES Abroad’s financial aid is designed to take the guessing out of study abroad financial aid and make it more equitable for all. 有IES Abroad的财政援助, 你可以在一次申请中申请所有IES Abroad的经济援助, 在申请后的五天内,你就会知道你的IES海外援助总额!

You can apply for IES Abroad aid even before you’ve applied for one of their programs on the IES Abroad website here: Apply by November 1, 2023.


See the IES abroad website for more information.

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Additional Funding Resources


Increasingly, students are finding non-traditional ways to finance their abroad experience including crowdsourcing using:

Note: 通过众筹获得的资金被视为应税收入. Before making a request, you need to consider how receiving such funds will affect you.

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