
The 领导 Experience (CASC 358)

This two-credit course is for upper-class students who are elected officers in a student organization or who are a varsity athlete. The course examines leadership theories, both historical and contemporary, and your leadership style as you are applying it to your student organization or varsity team. This hands-on practical application allows students to emerge from the class with a well-informed understanding for the study of leadership as well as how to apply those theories and skills in their own leadership experience.

Students work with their lab instructor, coaches or advisors to develop a professional goal that they will work toward accomplishing during the semester. Coaches and advisors serve as a source of support to navigate challenges that come up in accomplishing the goal.

This course meets the criteria for the third level of the 大奖章的程序, for more information about the program visit 在这里.

Rising Leader Class (CASC 350)

This two-credit course for first-year students is more than the study of leadership; it is designed to help you develop your own leadership style. As a first-year student, this course allows you to:

  • Explore your own college transition process
  • Learn how intentional leadership experiences can support your goals

The overall purpose of this course is to encourage you to carefully analyze your responsibilities and commitments in the context of leadership for purposeful change. The class involves activities that enhance personal development and the practice of leadership. 课程内容包括:

  • 传统课堂学习
  • 从实践经验中学习
  • Engagement in challenging dialogue

Students work with upper-class mentors and in small groups to simultaneously help them adjust to campus life and develop leadership skills. Upper-class mentors serve as a source of advice and support in adjusting to college and becoming a leader on campus.

This course meets the criteria for the first level of the 大奖章的程序. Your application to the course also automatically enrolls you into the 大奖章的程序, for more information about the program visit 在这里.



Rising Leader Course Stories from Student to Mentor



家乡: 德克萨斯州普莱诺

主要: 流行病学

类: 2023

当前的活动: Hill Court RA, Public Health TA, Society of Undergraduate Public Health Students VP

有趣的事实: 我会说罗马尼亚语!

What inspired you to be a Mentor?

I fell in love with leadership a long time ago, but the Rising Leader Class taught me what true leadership means, 它需要什么, 以及如何建立模型. 领导 in college and in the real world is developed through dedication to personal goals and commitment to lifting up others. My experience with the Rising Leader Class inspired me to help incoming students benefit from the class just as much as I did and be a resource for all things related to transitioning to college.

What did you gain from participating in the Rising Leader Class?

The Rising Leader Class proved to me that leadership is a process. Learning the best practices for being a true leader for yourself and others takes time. The activities I’ve done and groups I’ve joined in college have helped me define my own style of leadership that I use to inspire others and learn from them just the same.




家乡: 牙买加金斯顿

主要: 机械工程 小: 环境地质

类: 2023

当前的活动: Student Organization for Caribbean Awareness (SOCA) - Vice President , 大奖章协会, 网赌论坛有哪些彭戈拉, 哈他瑜伽, 阅读伙伴

有趣的事实: I did synchronized swimming throughout high school and I have a natural hair blog.

What inspired you to be a mentor?

Despite having to adjust to a new environment and culture as an international student, I was able to successfully navigate my freshman year. Both my instructors and mentor helped me make the best of every opportunity on campus by guiding me and taking me out of my comfort zone. My goal as a mentor is to share the same type of passion I experienced while guiding my peers through this big transition.

What did you gain from participating in the Rising Leader Class?

One of the things I really enjoyed about the Rising leader Class was interacting with such a diverse group of leaders and being able to learn and reflect on experiences that helped to shape my leadership style.


Questions about leadership courses can be directed to the  Wilson Commons Student Activities